Dr.Shoaib Khanmohammadi
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Kermanshah University of Technology

Hello everyone, I’m an Assistant Professor at Kermanshah University of Technology, specializing in modeling and optimization of energy systems. I have over a decade of experience in the field and have published over 100 scientific articles on the subject.
In 2021, I was honored to be recognized as one of the world’s top 2% scientists with high citations in the published list by Stanford University, which was a significant milestone in my career.
My passion for energy systems has led me to explore various techniques and technologies to improve efficiency and sustainability. I am dedicated to sharing my knowledge and experience with my students and colleagues to help them achieve their goals.
When I’m not teaching or researching, you can find me reading up on the latest advancements in my field or spending time with my family. I believe in the power of collaboration and I am always eager to work with like-minded individuals to impact society positively.

Energy systems modeling

Optimize Energy system

Solar systems modeling

Bachelor's Degree, Mechanical Engineering
Shahid Beheshti University, 2002~2006
MSC, Energy Conversion
Isfahan University, 2006~2009
PHD, Energy Conversion
Gilan University, 2011~2015
Work experience
Senior Engineer, Taba Company
Graduate Researcher, Niroo Research Institute
Assistant Professor, Kermanshah university Of Technology
Fields of interest
Gasification/ Thermodynamics/ Renewable Energy/ Solar Energy/ Matlab/ Energy Efficiency/ Simulations
A comprehensive approach for optimizing a biomass assisted geothermal power plant with freshwater production: Techno-economic and environmental evaluation
In the current research, a comprehensive thermodynamic study of an innovative biomass-geothermal power plant combined with a desalination system is presented and analyzed. The suggested system is a geothermal based cascaded steam/organic Rankine cycle benefiting
Thermodynamic assessment and proposal of new configurations of an indirect water bath heater for a City Gate Station (a case study)
This paper deals with thermodynamic modeling and proposal new configurations of an indirect water bath heater used in a city gate station (CGS) to preheat the natural gas (NG). In the transmission pipeline of natural
Improving the power generation efficiency with the use of LNG as cold source by thermoelectric generators for hydrogen production
In this study, thermodynamic simulation is developed to strengthening power generation efficiency utilizing liquefied natural gas (LNG) cold source by thermoelectric generators (TGs) for hydrogen production. Firstly, an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is specified to