Thermodynamic modeling and analysis of a novel heat recovery system in a natural gas city gate station

In the present study, five configurations of integrated system are introduced and comprehensive thermodynamic modeling and analysis for different arrangements are carried out. An organic Rankine flash cycle (ORFC) and a thermoelectric generator (TEG) are integrated with a real city gate station (CGS) to recover the thermal energy of exhaust gas at 400° C in an indirect water bath heater (IWBH). The new aspect of the present research is proposal the novel arrangements of the TEG modules, ORFC and IWBH to improve the thermal performance of the CGS integrated system. Energy and exergy analyses employed to evaluate different arrangements of integrated systems. Comparative analysis of different suggested systems revealed that integrated system including IWBH, ORFC and TEG modules with placing the TEG modules after ORFC (Case V) shows better performance. Due to the better performance, Case …

Feasibility study of using solar energy as a renewable source in office buildings in different climatic regions

Present research focus on using solar energy as a renewable option for office buildings in different climatic conditions in Iran. To seeking a way to use clean solar energy and reduce current expense in buildings an investigation carried out. Nine office buildings in various climatic regions selected as case studies. Through a precise examination, buildings specifications, energy demand and climate information carried out. In the first step based on the buildings type and hot water demand, solar water heater systems designed for each case. In the second step, a cost-benefit analysis is done to detriment the economic aspects of implement aforementioned type of solar system. A cost-benefit analysis is done from saving energy and return time of investment point of view. Results indicate that solar water heater with low investment about US $500 and payback time between 2 and 5 years can be noticed as a …

Thermodynamic and economic assessment of an integrated thermoelectric generator and the liquefied natural gas production process

The current research deals with the thermodynamic and economic assessments of an integrated thermoelectric generator system with the liquefied natural gas production process. The main aim of the present work is investigation the influence of the thermoelectric generators modules location, in a liquefied natural gas production cycle, on the thermodynamic and economic criteria. A Matlab code has been developed to assess the integrated system performance. Suggested integrated systems include adding the thermoelectric generators between the condensers and evaporators (Case I) and adding the thermoelectric generators between the condensers and ambient air (Case II). The results show that the position of the thermoelectric generators considerably influences the system performance. The results indicates that in Case I (with adding thermoelectric generators between condenser and evaporator) the system …

Performance enhancement of an integrated system with solar flat plate collector for hydrogen production using waste heat recovery

The current research presents the thermodynamic modeling and assessment of the solar-based integrated energy systems (IES) for hydrogen production with and without thermoelectric generators (TEGs) waste heat recovery system (WHRS). The results show that the net output power of the conventional system is 66.9 kW and 14 k W more power can be generated by using the TEGs WHRS in the IES. The net output power of the proposed system reaches 78.7 kW, indicating an enhancement by 17.6%. Also, increasing output power leads to an increase in the efficiency of IES from 6.9% to 8.1%. It means that, with the use of WHRS the efficiency is increased by 1.2%. However, more increase in efficiency is observed in the proposed system, and the variations of efficiency relative to the mass flow rate of the collector are extremely slight in the conventional system. Moreover, modeling results demonstrate that the …

A novel comprehensive experimental study concerned synthesizes and prepare liquid paraffin-Fe3O4 mixture to develop models for both thermal conductivity & viscosity: A new approach of GMDH type of neural network

This research aims to understand the impacts of volume concentration of Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles and temperature on the viscosity & thermal conductivity of liquid paraffin based nanofluid. Several experiments are conducted in the Fe 3 O 4 concentration range of 0.5–3% and temperature range of 20–90° C. Oleic acid is utilized as a surfactant for the improved dispersibility and stability of nanofluids. It was found that the nanofluid behaves as a shear thinning fluid. Additionally, it was revealed that both the thermal conductivity and viscosity boost with increasing the nanoparticle concentration, whereas when the temperature increases the viscosity reduces and the thermal conductivity rises. Moreover, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was utilized to model the thermal conductivity and viscosity of the nanofluid using experimental data. The accuracy of the models was assessed based on four known statistical indices …

Energy and exergy analysis and multi-criteria optimization of an integrated city gate station with organic Rankine flash cycle and thermoelectric generator

The current study deals with the thermodynamic modeling, and multi-objective optimization of a pressure reduction station integrated with an organic Rankine flash cycle (ORFC) and a thermoelectric generator (TEG) waste heat recovery system (WHRS). Using the real operating data of a city gate station (CGS), a thermodynamic simulation was developed using EES (Engineering Equation Solver). The exergy analysis as a rigorous method was applied to find the exergy destructive components of the integrated system. Computations indicate that the exergy efficiencies of the indirect water bath heater (IWBH), ORFC condenser and TEG modules are 1.41%, 30.45%, and 16.34%, respectively, which are the lowest asset values among all components. Five main decision variables were defined as objective functions by the parametric study of the integrated system. Results of multi-objective optimization offer a set of …

Experimental investigation and develop ANNs by introducing the suitable architectures and training algorithms supported by sensitivity analysis: Measure thermal conductivity and viscosity for liquid paraffin based nanofluid containing Al2O3 nanoparticles

The objective of this experimental investigation is to assess the variations of thermal conductivity and viscosity of liquid paraffin-Al2O3 nanofluid containing oleic acid surfactant against temperature, nanoparticle mass concentration and surfactant concentration. The experiments are performed in the temperature range of 20–50 °C, nanoparticle mass concentration range of 1–5%, and surfactant/nanoparticle mass ratio of 1:3, 2:3 and 3:3. The results showed that the nanofluid behaves as a shear thinning fluid. Besides, it was found that boosting the nanoparticle concentration causes an increase in the thermal conductivity and viscosity, while augmenting the temperature results in a decrease in the viscosity and an increase in the thermal conductivity. Moreover, it was observed that the viscosity increases with surfactant concentration, while the thermal conductivity initially rises with surfactant concentration and then …

Feasibility of a hybrid BIPV/T and thermal wheel system for exhaust air heat recovery: Energy and exergy assessment and multi-objective optimization

In this paper, a numerical study is conducted to examine the energy and exergy performance and multi-objective optimization of a novel exhaust air heat recovery system made up of a building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) collector and a thermal wheel (TW) system. The innovative BIPV/T-TW system is capable of pre-heating/pre-cooling the ambient fresh air in winter/summer and also producing electricity. Comparisons are carried out on the basis of energy and exergy by considering three different exhaust air heat recovery systems including the BIPV/T-TW system, the conventional BIPV/T collector, and the convectional TW system. It is observed that the BIPV/T-TW system has the best energy performance among the considered systems in all months of the year, while its exergy performance is lower than the BIPV/T system. Then, the multi-objective optimization technique is utilized to obtain the optimal …

Modeling and multi-objective optimization of a novel biomass feed polygeneration system integrated with multi effect desalination unit

This paper mainly focuses on the design and optimization of a novel integrated system to meet fresh water, electricity, and hot water demands. A novel combination of different system is used to generate multi products. The exergy and economic analyses are combined to carry out a parametric study to find the impact of main decision variables on a polygeneration system. The exergy analysis reveals that combustion chamber and gasifier have the highest exergy destruction rates with 84% of the system total exergy destruction rate. In addition, the system exergy efficiency shows that in the initial state, the exergy efficiency of polygeneration system is 27.9%. Results show that an increment in the gasification temperature from 950 K to 1150 K leads to fresh water flow rate increases from 1060 m 3/day to 1160 m 3/day. The parametric study of the system reveals that the defined objective functions are highly depends on …

Performance assessment of an innovative exhaust air energy recovery system based on the PV/T-assisted thermal wheel

This research work aims to assess the performance of an innovative exhaust air energy recovery system consisting of a building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) and a thermal wheel (TW). This BIPV/T-TW system has two main operating modes, namely winter and summer. The exhaust air is used for pre-heating and pre-cooling the ambient fresh air through a TW in the winter and summer modes of operation, respectively. Besides, the pre-heated fresh air (in the winter mode) and the heated exhaust air (in the summer mode) is used for reducing the temperature of PV panels and consequently improving their electrical efficiency. The electrical and thermal performance of the system is calculated and compared with those of the conventional BIPV/T and TW systems. Besides, a performance evaluation criterion (PEC) is defined in this study to investigate the overall performance of the studied systems. The results …